Saturday, September 15, 2007

Jammin' in Jerusalem

One sign of how safe Israel is now (unless you're crazy enough to drive on Israeli highways) is the steady stream of popular music performers visiting. The latest are the Black Eyed Peas. They rocked Jerusalem. And they're right about Israeli girls. When you add small arms to the picture ... hmm ... when I was 24, an Israeli female solider + M-16 just did something to my brain I sort of remember, but no longer completely understand. Probably I didn't understand it then :)

Rockers have been returning to Israel since late 2003, when Madonna - sorry, Esther, now that she's frum - came for her Kabbalah-Palooza. She's returning soon and will be staying Safed (Tzfat). Whatever you think of Madonna's music, her once-trashy personal life (she's settled down now and virtually respectable), or the strange mystical group (is it just a money-making scheme?) she's now into, she has done good things for Israeli tourism.

The last big-name act to perform in Israel was Nine Inch Nails. Read about them here in the Jerusalem Post.

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